Wednesday, August 26, 2015

119 - Call To Community

The single most moving moment, that time when I felt complete peace about leaving our daughter at college, was during a Call To Community conducted by the university. It was a worship service structured much like a church service, with group singing, performance songs, a responsive reading, scripture, a dedication address from the university president, and corporate dedication prayers read by parents, faculty, and upperclassmen as each group in turn surrounded the incoming students.

It still brings tears to my eyes and joy to my heart when I recall those moments.

This school has my daughter's back. She will have fun and do crazy things; she will get sick and face discouragement; but she is there to receive an education and grow in her walk, and I am confident that the faculty and support systems in place will guide her all the way.

And maybe a few phone calls home will help, too. I'm not complaining that in the first week, there have been many of those.

During this Call To Community, we were all encouraged to set our phone alarms for a daily reminder at 1:19 p.m. At this time each day, we are recalling the school's theme verse for this year:
How can a young person maintain a pure life?
By keeping it according to your word.
With all my heart I have sought you;
Do not let me wander from your commandments.
Your word I have treasured in my heart,
That I might not sin against you. - Psalm 119:9-11
This is my daily prayer for my children, for our friends and family, for the other students at school. I'm praying it for you.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Now This Is Summer

Low 70's. I'm liking this. What an enjoyable afternoon to come home from work, have lunch on my deck, play a game with my daughter, and water plants.

I like doing this in the middle of the day. Perfectly sunshiny, breezy, without the intense heat of the sun like on a day in the high 80's. (Or 90s. Or triple digits. Take your pick.)

Welcome to my blog, phase two. I have been blogging for seven years, and it's time for a fresh page. Lots of stories about my children, and now that they've left the nest (yes, I become an empty nester tomorrow), I decided to protect their privacy and make that blog by invitation only. I'm glad to give our friends and family access to the old blog - just send me your email address and I will invite you. And maybe I'll post an occasional tidbit about those grown-up kiddos on the old site.

For my day-to-day musings, though, this is where it's at now. Welcome to the end of my summer - that lovely day, where my daughter and I have savored the last afternoon of hanging out together and expressed our appreciation toward one another for the fabulous times we have had together during the past few years.