Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Longings of Moms

I can't tell you how many times during these first couple weeks of fostering two kittens and their mama I have likened their mother/child relationship to our parenting relationships with human children. When the babies are taken away from mama (because, you know, I need to weigh them ... and play with them), she is concerned and cautious. Likewise, when they are crawling all over mama and needing her, she is patient and happy ... and sometimes possibly a little overwhelmed.

Tonight when I opened the bathroom door, I found all three had ventured out of the kennel where they are usually snuggled together. I assume that the kittens had gotten curious, and mama followed to be protecting them. True to her form, though, the moment I opened the door, Mama immediately retreated back into the kennel and then watched to see what I would do with her babies.

I just enjoyed watching them. They walked around a little bit, on their still-wobbly legs. Their world is getting bigger. Just like kindergartners, getting a taste of new adventures just a half day at a time. And Mama waiting at the school door, ready for them to be done with each day's excursion.

After a few minutes, the little gray one had had enough. She's less adventurous than her white and gray sister, who has been stepping out of the kennel frequently for the past few day. She went back to Mama, like a middle school girl who needs some comforting advice from her mom. Sis hung out a little while longer, and then she decided it was time to head inside.

This mama kitty is oh-so-happy to have her girls back in the nest tonight. Can you hear her purr? She needs to enjoy it immensely now, because in another month, they'll be weaned and she will return to the animal shelter. The kittens will follow close behind, all of them to find new homes.

The comparisons to human relationships can get bleary eyed and heart wrenching at this point. Right now, I'm grateful that my "kittens" are in touch and we enjoy frequent interactions with them. Purrr.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Kitty Update

I really do not do pajama days. It's a very rare occasion (once every few years) that I am still in p.j.s after 8 a.m. So when it was approaching noon today and I was just heading for the shower, I was feeling a little bit unaccomplished.

You see, I was going to swim this morning. But I was waylaid by coffee and scripture memorization, and then I did a few chores, and then fell into the black hole of kitten admiration. I never did get in that swim, but I'm happy to say that I am finally dressed and ready to head out the door and do some shopping prep for an event this weekend.

But first, let me share with you some of the 14 kitten videos I took while I sat on the bathroom floor and enjoyed this sweet little family this morning...

This is where they live. That striped towel is where I sat this morning while I talked to and enjoyed watching them.

Hard to believe this loving mama is a wild stray cat. Maternal instincts sure kick in, and she is devoted to these babies.

Of course, when my college girl came home last weekend, she had to have a little fun. This kitty wore the Princess Look quite well.

These special young women probably would have snuggled the kittens all night if other activities hadn't beckoned.

 And here is just one video, because the others were coming in upside down and I don't know how to fix that. This is the sweet little curious kitty who wasn't interested in nursing. I predict that by the end of the week, I am going to have kittens crawling outside of their little bed area.

Finally, here is a bonus picture that has nothing to do with kittens. It's the very fun, cheap, accommodating vehicle that our favorite Captain America who is overseas purchased yesterday.